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Earth to Energy
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To enable the answer for demand of electrical power in this world, any solution must meet the criteria for integration within current situations. Distributed generation in a wide spectrum of integrated, connected, or standalone situations is required. E2E system solutions comply with these criteria.
Green Deal
Carbon free generation is required next to circular use of input power or fuel. Re-use of all elements that are consumed by the system architecture is leading in design. Systems must be friendly towards a sustainable green environment and at the same time flexible enough to relocate, enlarge in capacity or adapt to their environment and use. Standardized, modular, sustainable components are the answer.
To comply with supply-demand, our systems bring flexibility in both physical as well as logical connections. Ranging from stand-alone to grid integrated connections load balancing is possible as the systems are powered independently. Due to its lightweight and small footprint, systems can be deployed into deserts, woods, or far-off locations. Logical connections for monitoring system performance and maintenance are implemented.
·      Green, sustainable.
·      Flexible in capacity & deployment.
·      High cost-benefit margin.
·      Easy maintainable.
·      Safe.
Base characteristic of E2E systems is their ability to cumulate energy (heat). Acting as a capacitor, this cumulative energy is released to produce electrical power. In short, the systems are acting as “turbo chargers”. Primary driven by electric-magnetic inductive steam generation, the stored energy in the form of high temperature steam, is passed on to expanders (rotary engines), generators or fuel cells. Overall system performance is thermo-dynamic instead of mechanical.

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E2E’s systems can deliver power at a price level that is extremely competitive. Initial investment is relatively high; operational cost/benefit margin is very favourable. Systems are bespoke engineered, directed to end users and only available on a licensed lease (rental) basis. License contracts on 10 year’s - 15 year’s basis.
Earth to Energy International
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